to provide high quality digestive and endoscopic health care in a compassionate, comprehensive, cost effective manner while assuring the highest level of respect and integrity for the patient.

Aetna (we do not participate with Aetna HMO)
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, including Healthkeepers
Medicare, commercial and traditional
Tricare (standard)
United Health Care
Our office staff makes every effort to be well informed regarding insurance plans, however, it is your responsibility to be familiar with the requirements of your particular insurance plan and to supply us with accurate information at all times. If your insurance plan requires an insurance referral from your primary care physician it is your responsibility to obtain the referral. If you do not provide us with a referral you are assuming responsibility for payment of that visit. If you do not have insurance please contact our business office prior to your appointment for payment options. For procedures done in our Colon Cancer Prevention and Endoscopy Center it is important to know that some insurance plans recognize us as an ambulatory surgical center. Your insurance benefits may vary in this case.
Screening or Diagnostic
• A screening colonoscopy is performed for screening only and there is no medical diagnosis.
• A diagnostic colonoscopy is performed for a medical problem or diagnosis.
Questions to ask your insurance carrier when having a procedure:
• What are my benefits for screening vs diagnostic colonoscopy? Even if you are scheduled for a screening colonoscopy, if the doctor removes a polyp or takes a biopsy, some insurance companies will no longer recognize this as a screening colonoscopy.
• What are my benefits if performed in an ambulatory surgical center vs physician office or performed as an out-patient in the hospital?
Payment Guidelines for care rendered in the Office, Hospital or Colon Cancer Prevention and Endoscopy Center of Virginia Beach
• Co payments/Coinsurance is expected at the time of service. • We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, cash and checks.
• Payment arrangements can be made by speaking to one of our Patient Account representatives. Call , press Option 6.
• There is a return check fee of $35.
• There is a fee of $100 if you do not provide us with 72 hours notice when canceling or rescheduling a procedure.