Our Mission

to provide high quality digestive and endoscopic health care in a compassionate, comprehensive, cost effective manner while assuring the highest level of respect and integrity for the patient.

Colonoscopy is ESSENTIAL

Don’t Forget About TeleHealth, Especially If You’re Experiencing These Symptoms

Important Reminder – if you’re having these symptoms…a colonoscopy is ESSENTIAL and available!

To make it easier than ever to determine the importance of making an appointment for various screenings, Gastroenterology, Ltd. is offering appointments using TeleHealth. These virtual appointments allow us to meet with patients in order to assess their level of need before coming in for a face-to-face appointment.

Even while practicing social distancing, you don’t want to neglect taking care of your overall health, especially when simple tests are so effective at early detection, giving us the chance to overcome some of the more serious illnesses like colon cancer.

Why meet with your doctor through video first?

TeleHealth allows you to discuss symptoms, medical issues, and more with a healthcare provider in real-time. This way, you can receive a diagnosis, learn your treatment options, and get a prescription.

While it has been available for longer than you might have thought (beginning with the telephone), further advancements in technology have allowed patient portals and communication via the internet to become more of the norm. Now, video is helping improve our communication even further.

TeleHealth is useful for situations where you need advisement more than hands-on care. Through a virtual visit, your provider will assess your symptoms, review your medication regimen, recommend testing and treatment options and more. Patients with conditions such as reflux, Crohn’s disease, and IBS will benefit from TeleHealth appointments.

Symptoms to watch out for:

Keep in mind that changes in your bowel habits or any pain or discomfort are symptoms worth exploring with a doctor.

If you suddenly become constipated regularly, or you experience frequent diarrhea, these should be discussed with your doctor as they could signify the need for further screening. Other changes in bowel habits that may be noticeable include blood in the stool or bowel incontinence. Also consider any unexplained anemia, extreme and frequent fatigue, unintended weight loss, and other GI problems such as vomiting, nausea, or abdominal pain and cramping.

Even if you’re only experiencing a few of the above symptoms, if they persist, it’s wise to inform your physician about your symptoms and make an appointment.

Health issues like colorectal cancer and IBS are important to detect as early as possible.

How to Schedule a TeleHealth Appointment:

When needed, Gastroenterology, Ltd. is still seeing patients in-office as well as through virtual appointments (TeleHealth). Speaking with one of our staff will help determine the best approach for you. Please call or Request An Appointment online to get started.