Our Mission

to provide high quality digestive and endoscopic health care in a compassionate, comprehensive, cost effective manner while assuring the highest level of respect and integrity for the patient.



Coronavirus (COVID-19) is currently a global pandemic with significant cases noted across Virginia. In response, Gastroenterology, Ltd has instituted protective measures to control viral spread such as the use of appropriate PPE, handwashing, and social distancing.

Appropriate precautions are necessary to prevent potential exposures and spread of COVID-19. Public screening methods are in effect to help identify the presence of potential illness however; a mechanism is needed to screen staff, medical staff, and vendors.

Health screening to include a review of symptoms will occur upon entering the building (fever, persistent cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and GI distress).
• Patients or staff who have any of the above symptoms knowingly within the past week should not come to the office.
• Anyone identified as having symptoms will be directed to exit the office and given instructions to begin self-quarantine and self-monitoring.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the coronavirus and potential symptoms please contact our office . Thank you.